Simplified Technical English
Simplified Technical English (STE) is a vocabulary developed by the Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) for maintenance and sustainment of Air, Land, Rail, Sea and Space vehicles. STE includes a 900-word vocabulary and simplified grammar, syntax, usage and style rules.The MAXit Checker can validate texts for compliance to STE, S1000D, ATA2200, SMS (safety) and Military Specifications.
Learn about STE...
Controlled English
Controlled English (CE) is a controlled technical vocabulary and a set of special rules for grammar, syntax, usage and style. Technical writers use the MAXit Checker to validate text, remove ambiguity, jargon and create clear, concise technical information.Key benefits of Controlled English are the prevention of expensive human errors and accuracy of Computer-assisted Language Translations. Some translation editing is needed for style.
Plain English
Plain English (PE) is a vocabulary designed to write common instructions for Citizen Services and consumer product information.The writers use the MAXit Checker to validate text against a set of Plain Language rules for grammar, syntax and style. The results are compliance to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) legal requirements, the Plain Writing Act 2010 and Section 508 usability standards.
Plain English is ideal for Computer-assisted Language Translations. Learn about PE ...

Our view ... Midtown to World Trade Center and Wall Street.

Our company is a pioneer AI boutique located in New York City.
The SMART team includes language engineers who have many years of experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI Agents and Electronic Publishing (XML) tools.
We provide
this suite of software tools.
- Text Miner for dictionaries
- SMART Lexicon Manager to manage terminology.
- MAXit Checker with AI rules to simplify.
Our Capabilities and Services
Some industries and clients
Automotives (EV and ICE), Autonomous Vehicles, Customer Experience, Computer Software and Hardware, Mining Machinery, Aerospace and Defense, Banking and Finance, Civil Engineering, Semiconductors, STEM and Technical Education, Law Enforcement, Healthcare, Telecommunications (5G), Electronics, Power Generation, Chemical Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Railway, Maritime, Medical Devices, Process Control, Government (Citizen Services), Oil and Gas.